Race: Omwati
Homeworld: Omwat

   Brilliant but naive, Xux was put through a brutal selection process along with several other Omwati children and was personally chosen by Grand Moff Tarkin to work at the Maw Installation. There she was responsible for breakthroughs on both the Death Star and World Devastator projects, but never realized that the projects were to be used as weapons. When confronted with the truth, she helped Han Solo and Kyp Durron escape the Installation and gave the New Republic the plans for her newest invention, the Sun Crusher - a single pilot ship capable of collapsing entire stars.

When Kyp Durron turned to the dark side, he stole the Sun Crusher and used it to destroy the Carida system. Prior to that, he erased Xux's memories so that she could not duplicate the design. The recuperating Xux ended up on Vortex, helping the fairy-like Vors to rebuild their shattered Cathedral of Winds.