Mighty Max premiered on September 1, 1993 - My birthday! (how 'bout that?).
The show ran for two seasons, with a grand total of 41 episodes. Click here to see individual episode information, including plot summaries and original air dates...
Plot: Max is a typical teenager until he receives a cap which allows him to travel through time and space by way of the "portals" - swirling vortexes of energy located throughout the universe. With the help of Virgil, the last living Lemurian, and Norman, a near-immortal bodyguard, Max must now use his cap to fight evil in all its forms - but especially that of SkullMaster, a demonic warrior-sorceror imprisoned deep within the earth. For Max, the adventure is just beginning, because now... he's called Mighty Max!
Click here to listen to the Mighty Max theme song. (right-click to download)
Opening Sequence:
The theme song plays as Max uses the portals to jump between different locations from the cartoon like SkullMaster's domain and the astral plane and such. As he does this, he dodges the villains of each location and is assisted by his friends Virgil and Norman. The visuals and theme song combine to form a very fast-paced opening and pretty much lets you know you're in for a treat. : )
Click the image at left to download the intro in ZIP format. [2MB AVI File]
Regular Cast: The following actors and actresses provided voices for the recurring characters of the show. For information regarding guest stars who did voice work on Mighty Max, please see one of the sites listed under "Episode Guides/Informational" on the Links page.