During the peak of Mighty Max popularity, there were a lot of Mighty Max collectibles made and distributed, primarily in the UK. Most of them are hard to find these days. I will attempt to create a list of these collectibles, but it may take some time. Whenever I come across a new one, I will post information about it in this section. Most of these items were found on Ebay (www.ebay.com).
Please note: I am not offering these items for sale - this section is for informational purposes only.
For information about the Mighty Max videogame, click here...
For information about the Mighty Max line of toys, click here...

3-D Board Game
I found pictures of this board game out on the Internet somewhere. I don't know any details about it, but the box gives some clue as to how the game is played. The board itself is a pyramid-shaped mountain with 2 levels, or tiers, on each side (looks like there are four sides). The box states that there are 6 "doom zones", each containing a "doom stone". It's played with what looks like cards and marbles (dice?), and I would imagine the first person to obtain a certain number of stones wins. There's also an advertisement on the back of the box for a "Mighty Max Super Battle Card Game", which could be either an expansion pack to the game or a seperate product in its own right.

Baseball Cap
This red baseball cap has been embroidered with a yellow M as a replica of the Mighty One's cap. The cap was for sale on eBay, and, honestly, I almost bought it, but they wanted too much for it. Of course, now, a year or so later, I don't even remember what the price was, but I wish I'd gotten it. Anyway, it looks like a standard red baseball cap with a stiff bill and front.

Baseball Cap w/Logo
This red and white baseball cap sports the Mighty Max logo on the front. It appears to be a standard baseball cap with a stiff bill. The front looks like it's "crushed", which means it's not supported from the inside like the bill. The cap was seen on eBay, but I don't remember the price.

Board Game
Produced by Irwin Toy Limited and released in Canada, "Mighty Max and the Crystal Quest" is a pretty standard board game. Much like LIFE or MONOPOLY, you use Max figures to move around the board while trying to land on certain squares. Instead of money or real estate, you're trying to gather "tokens" that grant various abilities. The first one to make it to Skull Mountain, grab the Crystal of Souls, and make it back to school wins. Throughout the board there are "Battle Arenas" where you must use your ability tokens to defeat the villian associated with each arena.

Clock Set
I've seen this clock set on eBay a few times now. The set includes a green alarm clock and standard Mighty Max watch. The clock has a background which shows Max and a giant spider on a web. The watch is the usual working digital watch which opens to reveal a playset. The set usually goes for five to ten US dollars. Unlike most other collectibles I've come across, which are packaged for either UK or US markets, this set has Spanish and Japanese translations on the package.

Comic Book
The special limited edition comic book that sometimes pops up on eBay was actually packaged with the video game. The story in the comic loosely matches that of the game, with several elements from the cartoon thrown in for good measure. The artwork is fairly nice, though, and it's always cool to be able to say you own a Mighty Max comic book.
See the video game page for more information...

Handheld Game by Systema
I found this at the Handheld Games Museum. They profile all of the different handheld games released over the years. This here Mighty Max game says "Skull Mountain" on the top, so they called it "Mighty Max in Skull Mountain". They didn't have any information about it, though, since it's not in the author's collection. Looks like your standard platform jumper, though.

Handheld Game by Tiger Electronics
I found this game on Ebay, too, but I don't really know anything about it. They didn't want much for it, but I can't buy every collectible I come across. It's by Tiger Electronics, and (judging from the buttons) it looks like a standard platform jumper game.

"Happy Meal" Toys
These toysets were "special editions" that could only be purchased with "Happy Meals" at McDonald's. In reality, they're just cheesier versions of the regular toys. They show up for sale on Ebay pretty regularly.

Lizard Watch
One of several toyset/watch combos released under the Mighty Max brand, this one takes the form of an orange reptile. Personally, I think it looks more like a snake's head than a lizard. Anyway, the working digital watch opens to reveal a MM playset inside, complete with Max figure and moving parts.

"Magic Box" #1
I don't know what this is. I found it on some French site while searching for pictures of Mighty Max in Google. I can't read French, so I don't know what this is a picture of. It looks like the fold-up cardboard boxes that kids meals used to come in at places like McDonald's. The site had two of them shown, so I grabbed the pictures.

"Magic Box" #2
I don't know what this is. I found it on some French site while searching for pictures of Mighty Max in Google. I can't read French, so I don't know what this is a picture of. It looks like the fold-up cardboard boxes that kids meals used to come in at places like McDonald's. The site had two of them shown, so I grabbed the pictures.

Norman Figurine
Not really "merchandise", but definitely a one-of-a-kind collectible, this custom model of Norman was created by Chris Byron. I came across the image on the modeling site Modelkits.Com, but it didn't have any kind of contact information for the creator. Chris was obviously a fan, though, and it shows in his work.

Pencil Case
This pencil case was found on an English Craft Supplies site called CraftPacks. Just click the name there to go to their site, and then search for the keywords "Mighty Max". The case should be at the top of the list. Basically, they sell you the kit to make the case, and then you put it together yourself.

I found this puzzle on Ebay, but I don't remember how much the seller was asking for it. Only a few dollars, I think. Anyway, the puzzle is made by RoseArt and has over 100 pieces. The picture on the box has Max and Warmonger on it, but I don't know if this is what the puzzle actually looks like. The box also says it has a "free toy surprise" inside, which could be just about anything.